You Tug on My Heart Strings When

Disclaimer: I’m not a poet, but sometimes lines run through my head.  Here is a little tribute to all the heroes who aren’t afraid to fight for the voiceless even when it costs them everything.

You tug on my heart strings when you leave what you know behind,

Reaching, grasping for the unknown.

When you stand unflinching in the face of darkness;

Your knees tremble, but your face is set like stone.

You tug on my heart strings.

You tug on my heart strings when you drop to your knees.

Sitting in the dirt, you incline your ear to the lowly and broken;

Unashamed, unperturbed, seeing beauty in the cracked vessel.

When the cry of the forgotten ones makes you start;

The passion within you glows so bright;

It’s then that you tug on my heart strings.

You tug on my heart strings when you walk with a limp;

Talking freely you embolden others,

Even when they feel faint.

When you calmly acknowledge the a power greater that  your own;

Or you bow gracefully to the youthful, stronger lights;

Giving way so that it shine, like a rough diamond glimmering in the sun.

Then, you tug on my heart strings.